Christine Russell
Vice President of Strategy
Executive Director, Northern Kentucky Port Authority
Christine Russell is the Vice President of Strategy for BE NKY Growth Partnership (BE NKY). In this role, she is responsible for defining and implementing the strategic direction of the organization as well as managing the day-to-day operations and finances.
As a BE NKY employee, she also serves as the Executive Director of the Northern Kentucky Port Authority, which is leading several major projects including the construction of the OneNKY Center and SparkHaus.
Christine previously served as Economic Development Director for the City of Springdale, Ohio, where she focused on expanding the economic base of the city through business attraction, business retention/expansion, and project development. Her work resulted in $120 million in additional payroll and over 1,350 new/retained jobs in Springdale. In her former roles with Hull & Associates and the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority, Christine secured over $14 million in grant funding that led to the cleanup and redevelopment of 11 contaminated brownfield sites in southwestern Ohio.
Christine has held leadership positions in several professional organizations including Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) and the Urban Land Institute (ULI). She is the winner of the 2016 CREW Leadership Award, serves on ULI’s national Public/Private Partnership Council and is a graduate of Leadership Cincinnati (Class 33).
Christine has a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University and a Master of Science from University of Findlay.