“Workforce solutions are critical to our future. It will be difficult for Safran to grow if there is no progress.”

Phillippe Garnier, CEO, Safran


Deliver Customized Workforce Solutions

Workforce is a top priority for Northern Kentucky businesses. Customized solutions, combined with advanced data collection and analysis on future workforce needs, will solve the challenges our companies are facing as well as position Northern Kentucky to address the workforce solutions and requirements of tomorrow.


Address the current and future needs of Northern Kentucky’s tradable sector industries through customized workforce solutions.


  1. Determine the root causes of Northern Kentucky’s workforce challenges
  2. Engage existing tradable sector employees in ascertaining current workforce needs and gaps
  3. Identify tradable sector workforce solutions and trends to prepare for future business growth


  1. Conduct a detailed analysis of Northern Kentucky’s workforce, skillsets, employer needs, and other significant factors impacting key tradable industry sectors
  2. Engage the GROW NKY collective of organizations to increase the efficacy of current workforce solutions for existing companies and develop programming aligned with target industry recruitment
  3. Develop programs that leverage education, training, and incentives to meet the future needs of tradable sector industry companies


  1. Communicate the conclusions of the workforce analysis to the GROW NKY partners with the goal of empowering them to address gaps, create new solutions, and better meet tradable company needs
  2. Measure the number of companies utilizing the customized workforce solutions and identify successful case studies
  3. Evaluate the qualitative and quantitative success of the program through company surveys and interviews


  1. Workforce Development Manager Kim Spreder held 62 meetings with employers in 2024 to specifically discuss workforce issues
  2. BE NKY is working in partnership with NKY schools to develop a system for career Experience, Exposure, Exploration, and Engagement for students in kindergarten through 12th grades