BE NKY Growth Partnership is proud to announce that two company leaders have reached new heights in their professional careers.

Through a highly selective application process, Vice President of Strategy Christine Russell was chosen to serve on Urban Land Institute Americas’ (ULI) national Public/Private Partnership Council (PPPC).

Russell is one of a select group of ULI Cincinnati members to serve on one of these councils. The mission of the PPPC is to develop, refine, and disseminate best practices for effective real estate public/private partnerships.

“Serving on this council will provide me with impactful opportunities to deepen my knowledge through collaboration with real estate experts from across the country,” said Russell. “I am honored to be accepted and look forward to sharing this new knowledge with my colleagues in the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky region.”

Globally, ULI works to shape the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities. Russell has been involved with ULI Cincinnati since 2007 and is currently the past district council chair. She previously served as district council chair, committee chair, and treasurer.

She also serves on the advisory board and has been a mentor for ULI’s Real Estate Accelerator Lab.

“We are thrilled for Christine to join eight of her ULI Cincinnati colleagues in serving on a national product council,” said ULI Cincinnati Director Kim Fantaci. “She is more than deserving of this opportunity and we know her involvement will enhance our organization’s ability to make transformative impacts in the Cincinnati region.”

Workforce Development Manager Kim Spreder was one of only 59 people nationwide to complete the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) Foundation-International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Certificate in Workforce Development Fundamentals program during its second iteration late last year.

“I am proud to be one of just two recipients from Kentucky to receive this designation,” said Spreder. “I will leverage the insights and relationships I gained through this program as I continue working toward informed solutions to Northern Kentucky’s workforce challenges.”

This program prepares professionals to navigate the intersection of economic and workforce development while addressing education gaps. Participants are required to complete a rigorous six-week curriculum which includes expert-led sessions, interactive learning, practical exercises, and an online exam.

“IEDC is honored to recognize the second cohort of certificate recipients for their remarkable achievements in completing this program,” said IEDC President and CEO Nathan Ohle. “As each new cohort joins, the program’s influence grows, propelling economic growth, talent development, and sustainable business practices in an integrated approach. Together with ACCE, we are shaping the future of economic and workforce development.”

About BE NKY Growth Partnership

BE NKY Growth Partnership, the economic development company for Northern Kentucky, provides businesses with the expertise they need to build opportunity in Boone, Kenton, and Campbell counties. We attract new business and elevate what’s already here to create innovative, forward-thinking, and attractive environments for companies and community success. We serve Northern Kentucky so that our community thrives through the creation of good jobs and a growing and diverse economy. We believe in Opportunity and Prosperity for All Northern Kentuckians. Visit for more information.